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Crowdfunding Aggregator

Crowdfunding Aggregator

Crowd funders are expected to account for more funding in 2016 than venture capitalists, according to predictions. Since its introduction only a few years ago, this relatively new tool has quickly established itself as a powerful source of capital for startups, small businesses, and real estate operators. Crowdfunding for equity, also known as investment crowdfunding, allows investors to contribute to ventures in exchange for either equity or debt. The overwhelming number of investment opportunities available on a variety of online platforms may cause prospective investors to become perplexed as to where to begin their search or feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of options available. Many new businesses are springing up to assist potential investors in navigating through this vast sea of opportunities and cutting through the clutter.

Access Invest- crowdfunding aggregator

Access Invest, which describes itself as a "private investment aggregator," is a platform that organizes and personalizes transactions. Users can quickly and efficiently swipe through investment options when using a mobile application. According to CEO and Founder Aaron McDaniel, "there are thousands of online investment portals to keep track of, and it's difficult to keep track of them all." The investment platform Access Invest aggregates investment opportunities all in one place, categorizing them based on the interests of the investor in order to assist them in curating their own deals.”

Access Invest is now open to all investors, including those who are not accredited, in accordance with recent legislation and regulations. In response to the passage of Title III (Regulation Crowdfunding) and Title IV (Regulation A+) of the JOBS Act, non-accredited investors can now participate in investment crowdfunding. This expands the range of investments available, including those that are not traditionally available through traditional channels such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Because of the increasing number of Title III and A+ transactions, according to McDaniel, "we have a great balance between accredited and non-accredited deals." “We determine whether a user is accredited or not, and we only display deals to non-accredited investors that they are eligible to participate in,” says the company spokesperson. ” We have the capability of appealing to a diverse group of people.”

Aside from that, aggregates real estate opportunities, sourcing commercial investment offerings from more than 100 crowdfunding platforms and presenting them in a centralized marketplace., like Connected Investors, offers a variety of financing options to prospective home buyers. "We want to bring a fragmented industry into the twenty-first century," they say.


CrowdRabbit emerged as a pioneer in the crowdfunding aggregation space in 2014, and it continues to be a leader today. “As crowdfunding has grown in popularity, we have seen a growing need for better tools for all parties involved, including investors, project creators, and others, who frequently use the Internet to source or promote investment opportunities,” explained CEO Robert Finlay. " We were certain that we wanted to develop a solution that would bridge the gap that existed between investors and business owners. CrowdRabbit is successful in accomplishing this goal.” Despite the platform's large audience and widespread media coverage, CrowdRabbit faded away almost as quickly as it rose to prominence. The website has since gone out of business, removing one more aggregator from an already small industry.  

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