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Equity crowdfunding is now more accessible and less complicated, thanks to recent changes that SEC introduced. This, along with the added challenge of Coronavirus pandemic for startups looking to capitalize their launch, has driven many businesses to crowdfunding platforms. Wefunder is one such platform that has gained a lot of popularity over the years. It specializes in crowdfunding Reg CF only strategy.

Wefunder Review

Established in 2011, Wefunder is a popular crowdfunding platform that has aided in the creation and implementation of the JOBS Act and became one of the top platforms in the world of crowdfunding. Wefunder links investors with startup businesses. There are virtually endless startups to invest in and a wide range of investment types. Wefunder is great for startups and founders looking to raise considerable capital without worrying about costly fees. The platform is also suitable for investors – both accredited and non-accredited – who want to invest in private companies. Some of the industries Wefunder has become involved in include biotech, entertainment, beverages, retail, healthcare, technology, etc.

How it Works

Wefunder works as a hub for both investors and startup owners. You can make money on the platform by either raising capital from the crowd or simply investing in startups and earning a return. If you are raising capital via Wefunder and you are doing it with crowdfunding Reg CF only, you can raise from $50k to $5 million. The other method, investing in startups, is also a great option. You can start investing in your favorite startups listed on the platform with a minimum amount of $100. There are a wide range of startups in robotics, tech, film, art, engineering, education, and other industries. Wefunder allows you to filter the types of companies that you see on your dashboard.


Wefunder’s website is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and full of information on how everything works. The platform offers a great amount of support for business owners. When you sign up on the platform and create your campaign, Wefunder will analyze it and give you sound advice. After you start your campaign, the platform will help you market it (when you get enough investors). Once you have been funded, the platform will allow you to use its proprietary tool to easily take care of yearly reports for investors. It will also take care of disbursing repayments or dividends, basic investor relations, and more. Throughout the process, Wefunder will provide you access to a useful legal library that is full of documents and forms you will need to keep your business and your campaign on the SEC’s good side. Wefunder also has a mobile app. It is available for both Android and iOS platforms.

Wefunder Fees

Signing up on Wefunder is totally free and there is no upfront fee for starting a campaign. The platform charges a specific percentage for successful campaigns. Wefunder fees can vary from 5-20% depending on the regulation class of the campaign. That percentage is always disclosed. The minimum amount of investment on Wefunder is $100, and fees can range from 2-3.5% depending on the method you used for payment.

Pros and Cons


Available to high-net-worth and non-high-net-worth investors and only requires $100 minimum investment to begin.

User-friendly website design, filled with lots of useful information. If you contribute certain amounts, you get investment rewards.

International investing available (except for investors in Alberta, Ontario, Quebec).

You have the option to invest in non-traditional and alternative investments.


Not suitable for risk-averse or short-term investors.

Information on potential investments can be unreliable.

Due diligence process is less rigorous as compared to other crowdfunding Reg CF only platforms.

Wefunder Track Record

If you are interested in signing up on Wefunder and you are wondering if the platform has been successful in its endeavors thus far, then you will be glad to know that the answer is ‘yes’. Wefunder demonstrates the scope of its reach and influence by providing all the relevant statistics. Since its inception, Wefunder has raised over $5 billion in capital for startups, created over 20,082 jobs, helped invest over $300 million, and funded over 1,551 founders.

In conclusion, Wefunder is no doubt one of the best startup crowdfunding platforms. It offers you an opportunity to invest in startups and become a shareholder owning equity. However, keep in mind that there are risks involved in this type of investment. If you invest in startups that ultimately fail to succeed, it is likely that you will lose your money. So, it is recommended that you approach with caution and don’t invest more than you can afford to lose.   

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How Does Wefunder Work?

How does Wefunder work?

Wefunder is a publicly supporting site that joins financial backers with new companies. There are a large number of venture types and almost unlimited new companies to put resources into. However, would you be able to bring in cash from Wefunder? The more intricate answer is it relies upon the sort of venture that you pick. Here are a few realities about this crowdfunding site.

A few Facts

Wefunder is the biggest value crowdfunding offering ventures to non-certify financial backers. As of the composition of this article, there were more than 650,000 financial backers on the site, and the organization has raised more than $150 million for the new businesses and organizations utilizing the site.

Assuming you need to put resources into an organization on the site you just need to make an underlying venture of $100, and you don't should be a certify financial backer. This makes a low boundary of section to the normal financial backer. Wefunder's site is easy to understand and loaded with data on how their administrations work and on the organizations that you are conceivably peering toward to put resources into.

How is Wefunder different from the stock market?

In contrast to the NASDAQ, we're intended for new companies and independent ventures. What's the difference?

Win large or lose all

New businesses win large or fail. Consider putting resources into them more like socially-great lottery tickets.

Hold as long as possible

At the point when it works, it consumes a large chunk of the day to procure a return. Hope to hold for quite a long time.

Build the future

Your dollars go to the organization to assist with making occupations, construct items, and develop organizations.

Is Wefunder for You?

With a low forthright dollar sum expected to contribute, and with the site being available to anybody, it is enticing to check crowdfunding out in case you are searching for elective speculations. Yet, is it for you? Contributing on the site can get intricate, and the way and recurrence that you will see a return aren't in every case clear or direct. You will get the capacity to put resources into pristine and youthful organizations that aren't recorded on the stock trades, however this additionally accompanies the danger that you could lose the entirety of your speculation. New companies are one of the less secure ventures that you can place your cash into, as large numbers of them don't endure.


Wefunder is the biggest group subsidizing site equipped towards new companies. You don't should be a licensed financial backer to partake, and you just need $100 to get everything rolling. Notwithstanding, new companies can be an unsafe speculation. In spite of Wefunder's easy to understand site it is regularly hard to track down solid data on new companies. Frequently the financials can't be trusted. In the event that you have some additional money and need to give it something to do in some different option from the financial exchange, then, at that point, Wefunder could be a decent other option. Simply approach with alert and don't contribute beyond what you can easily lose. 


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What is Wefunder?

What is Wefunder?

Charged as "Kickstarter for contributing," Wefunder carries private value speculation to the majority. Financial backers can examine new companies, delve into execution, look over an Instagram-esque news channel for refreshes from startup organizers, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Be that as it may, in contrast to Kickstarter, financial backers get the opportunity to see a money related profit from their venture, either through reimbursed obligation, value, profits or other speculation structures. Be that as it may, as in conventional private value, financial backers should plan to contribute as long as possible — no less than five years, conceivably even at least 10.

You choose which organizations are deserving of financing. In the event that the business progresses admirably, you might bring in cash. In the event that it doesn't progress nicely, you lose all your cash.

In any case, you join a local area of different financial backers who try to assist the startup with succeeding. You some of the time get flawless advantages from the organizations as well.

The Pros and Cons of Wefunder

New companies normally have a couple of ways of fund-raising: private backers, investors, and crowdfunding. Crowdfunding empowers business visionaries to take advantage of quantities of little financial backers who might be inactive instead of dynamic partners without surrendering value or control.

This amounts to more financing for new companies, better estimating terms, and a further developed capacity of business people to keep up with their vision for items and administrations as they develop past their startup stage.

WeFunder is a way of putting your cash where your heart and head are, in addition to your endeavors. We trust you'll concur with us that this local area based type of contributing can immensely affect the eventual fate of business and development in America.

Pros of Wefunder

Since Wefunder accomplices with AngelList, this implies that individuals who as of now have cash for putting resources into new companies can contribute here. It likewise offers you a chance to organize and discover other wise speculation openings. In case you are into strategic investing, WeFunder could be an entry to finance all your future new companies.

If one financing round doesn't work for reasons unknown, there is no issue to attempt again later utilizing Wefunder's 're-dispatch include which is presently conceivable on re-dispatching projects over 90 days old.

• The organization educates potential financial backers that the base venture is at $100.

• There is no compelling reason to go through an extended and expensive SEC enlistment measure.

• Non-authorize financial backers are permitted to take part in these ventures.

Cons of Wefunder

There are pros to utilizing WeFunder. There are additionally a few cons to it.

Restricted subsidizing alternatives – not very many ventures

• Financial backers might have to sit tight for some time before they can contribute once more. This could be viewed as awful in case there are a greater number of individuals contributing than the stockpile of accessible missions.

WeFunder has a few issues with versatility, as it isn't just about as large as other famous crowdfunding locales yet.

• In spite of the fact that there isn't a ton of data on Wefunder accessible, apparently they charge a 5% help expense on finished subsidizing adjusts. 

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